Thursday, May 24, 2012

New Sightings ...

... Not of the alien kind, though.  Sorry if I disappointed anyone.  Although, the alien kind could be more interesting!

I am always searching (and searching) for a missing link in my family tree.  This morning I happened to run across one and wonder how many researchers may have heard of it and about credibility.  The website is  I found quite a few of possible relatives and will spend the weekend researching each of them.  Oh, this sounds like fun, right? 

Would you care to share your favorite genealogy research sites, books, places with me and others?  I subscribe to and have been on more sites that I can count on one hand. 

On the brighter side, and this is amazing for me.  I connected with a German relation who shared with me the German ancestry of the one family I am researching.  Now to share with her.  This is the reason why it has been months since my last post. 

Happy Memorial Day and happy searching! 

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